This is …me.

This is …me.

Hi! I’m Leo, the creator and owner of Foxtato Family Crafts. You may not know it, but I started this website and this business endeavor on my own. No help, and no idea what the heck I was doing. But it didn’t matter, because I had a vision. A vision that someday people would be able to feel beautiful in the skin their in no matter what that looked like. Because I know what it feels like to hate what you see in the mirror and wish to everything in the universe that the person staring back would change. But they won’t because that wonderful person is you. You are each unique and beautiful and downright amazing just for being the human being you are. And on my journey of self love and acceptance, I wanted to help others as well. By making items that are not only fun but accessible for ALL bodies. And if you believe in the same, then follow me on this journey and support a small business like mine to make a difference!
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